Health & Safety Guidelines for Covid 

We want PyCon Pakistan to be an event that everyone feels safe attending, whether they are from different regions of Pakistan or coming from other countries. We love that people bring their unique perspectives… but we would also like them to be safe.

Therefore, we expect everyone to follow the masking rules in all of the conference spaces.

Masks are required

We are asking you to wear a mask during your time at PyCon Pakistan. That includes the hall, auditorium and hallways. 

Exceptions are:

  • Outdoor spaces
  • Indoors while actively consuming food or beverages
  • Speakers while presenting
  • While necessary for communicating with someone who is hearing impaired when the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication
  • Very briefly for media

Masks must be worn over the nose and mouth and must be made of a tight-knit, non-permeable material. N95 or equivalent masks such as KN95 or K95 are recommended. Although we encourage you to bring your own masks that you find comfortable, there will also be free masks available for attendees during each day of PyCon Pakistan, as supplies permit. 

Attendees who are repeatedly unwilling to comply with the mask requirements will be asked to leave and are not eligible for a refund. 

Vaccinations are encouraged 

We encourage PyCon Pakistan attendees to stay up to date with the vaccinations that are available to them where they live. 

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