Welcome to the first PyCon meetup!

Pythonistas from around Lahore arrived at the Arbisoft office on 22nd July to kick off activities leading up to the first-ever PyCon Pakistan. 25 people attended the first meetup--including several seasoned Python devs, a few junior programmers, and even those who were just curious to learn.

The discussion started with an introduction to Arbisoft: we’re big on clean code, and we’re big on Python. That’s why we’re arranging an international Python meetup right here in the heart of Lahore. The idea is to gather Pythonistas, programmers, IT companies, tech geeks, and anyone with the curiosity to learn, in one place to share ideas, learn from each other, and help each other grow in their understanding of what Python is and what it can do for us.

That means we want this to be as community-oriented as it can be. So we asked our prospective PyConeers what they would like to see at PyCon. And there was no shortage of ideas! Before we broke up for lunch and socializing, we'd already picked some key areas to work on:

  • More people need to be aware of how diverse and massive Python is. They aren’t aware that Python powers mega-projects such as Youtube, edX, and Quora. This has to change.
  • Python needs to be made accessible for both developers and non-technical managers alike. We’re interested in putting together tutorials and talks about using Python--that means we’re looking for knowledgeable speakers that break down complex topics into easy-to-understand takeaways.
  • We’re Pythonistas at heart and we have our favorites! We want to know which framework you prefer and why.
  • Python works well for machine learning but most people aren’t aware. We need to raise attention around this.
  • Universities in Pakistan are still focused on curricula that no longer adequately prepare students for industry demands. Instead of being first exposed to Python when they start a job (or try to qualify for one) we have to bridge the gap during student life--that’s why we should reach out to students directly and invite them to PyCon.
  • We need to bring together all kinds of programmers, including those working on GPU-based programming, data automation, and deep neural networks. Imagine the possibilities of this: smart people working on cutting-edge technology, all speaking the same language, all in the same room.

These are some excellent ideas, but we’re sure you can add to this list. PyCon meetups are open to everyone who wants to be a part of this event. If you’re excited about bringing Python to Pakistan, get those grey cells sparking then join our next meetup where we expect to have not just a bigger turnout, but featured speakers as well.  

See you there!

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